Look how easy it works

LikesTool works in a fair and simple way: You earn free coins by liking pages, subscribing to channels, following other members of our community and use those coins for promoting your own campaigns. In other words, LikesTool works based on like for like and follower for follower concept.

How do I get my campaign promoted?

LikesTool works in a fair and simple way: You earn free coins by liking pages, subscribing to channels, following other members of our community and use those coins for promoting your own campaigns. In other words, LikesTool works based on like for like and follower for follower concept.

How do I get my campaign promoted?

For promoting your campaign with the LikesTool platform, you should create a campaign by following these simple steps.
1. Go to the “Add Campaign” section.
2. Select the network and service from the drop-down menu.
3. Choose a title for your campaign.
4. Select the promotion geography. If you want your campaign to be promoted in specific country/countries, unselect the checkbox that says “Worldwide” and select countries from the drop-down list.
5. Set the coins per click (CPC) for your campaigns. The higher the CPC, the faster your campaign will be promoted. Coins per click (CPC) may range from 2 to 10.
6. Add the url of your page/post/video/etc.
7. Set the number of total click and daily clicks. This is the maximum number of total/daily clicks you will get for your campaigns. You may leave the fields blank, if you do not want to limit your total/daily clicks.
8. Click on the “Add” button.
Please note that the statistics and rating should be enabled in your social network, otherwise the platform will not be able to track the growth of your campaign and the system will not accept it (you will get an error message).